Our Wonderful Volunteer Directors

Amber Greymorning

Amber is the k-12 music teacher at Victor School in the Bitterroot Valley. She grew up in Missoula, MT where her love of music was fostered by the Johns – Schuberg and Combs. She graduated from the University of Montana with her Bachelors and Masters degrees in Music Education. Mrs. Greyorning loves teaching at Victor because it is a k-12 school and it means she can teach every facet of music – from basic echo songs to quality high school band and choir repertoire. She loves being free to teach all grade levels and all types of music without being restricted to a single subject or grade. She also loves being at a school where she knows she is making a difference in kids’ lives. Amber currently lives in the Bitterroot valley with her husband, son, cat and dog. She enjoys spending time with her toddler, directing the Bitterroot Community Band and spending way to much time and money at her local book store. 

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Gary Gillett

Gary, a Detroit native and University of Michigan graduate, retired after having been a high school band director since 1975.  On the side, he founded The Duck Valley Community Band (Nevada) in 1976 and The Bitterroot Community Band (Montana) in 1981.  He holds a masters degree from The University of Montana and a Northwestern University post-grad Fellowship appointment.  He has been the director of Our Missoula, Montana City Band since 1993 and published the history of our band;  “Stories in Time – The Missoula City Band”. He continues to play with his tuba quartet & the Ed Norton Big Band. He’s lucky to have his sons nearby; Kyle, tubamaestro just up the hill & Erin, Forest Service archaeologist over in Butte.